We are living in a consequence free environment; at least that’s what the liberal progressives would have you believe. Their philosophy is “as long as you’re living your truth there can be no bad outcomes.” Those of us with clear, functioning brains know this is absolutely not true.
For example, let’s look at the abortion argument. We’ve watched liberals and Democrats lose their collective minds over the past few days after SCOTUS thankfully overturned Roe v Wade. I’m truly flabbergasted over some of the arguments I’ve seen: like claiming that thousands of women are now being sentenced to death or that ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages are the same thing as abortions. Again, anyone with a clear, functioning brain knows this is not true.
Another ludicrous argument is that pregnancy is only possible because of the man’s sperm so abortion is 100% a man’s fault. Last time I checked it still takes two to tango so if you choose to have sex with someone there is the possibility you will get pregnant. But sadly this basic pillar of sexual education gets swept under the rug because it doesn’t tow the party line. Instead, what’s being taught is there are no consequences to unprotected sex and if a pregnancy magically appears out of thin air you’ll just abort it. In the pro-choice argument no one is responsible for their choices and certainly no one should be expected to deal with the consequences.
The consequence-free life is a cornerstone of the Democrat party. Don’t worry, someone else will pay your college loan even though you agreed to pay it back when you signed the paperwork. Don’t worry, you can give children extreme hormone drugs that are “100% reversible and have no long-term effects.” Don’t worry, you can commit multiple crimes in the same city and you won’t need to spend any time in jail. Don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t worry.
In reality, there is a lot to worry about. We cannot pretend that a consequence-free life exists. It is a fantasy that cannot be realized, has the ability to destroy a society and it always catches up to you.